A Holistic Approach To Tongue and Lip Ties

The tissue that connects the tongue, lips, and cheeks to the jaw are called frenums. More specifically: the frenum that connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth is the lingual frenum, the frenum that attaches the gums and upper lip is the labial frenum, and the frenum that attaches the gums to the inside of the cheeks is the buccal frenum. This tissue is normal, however it can develop too restrictive causing issues with breastfeeding, breathing, sleep, speech, and jaw development. If the tissue is too tense and restrictive causing dysfunction in one or more of those areas, it is often diagnosed as a “tongue tie” or “lip tie”.

Approaching ties, sometimes referred to as tethered oral tissue (TOTS), from a holistic perspective looks at how it impacts the whole body, rather than just the mouth. During pregnancy and birth, various physical, chemical, and emotional stressors affect the nervous system which can lead to tension and restriction throughout the whole body, including the frenums.

With gentle pediatric chiropractic care we address your baby’s nervous system to help them unwind the overall tension and stress in their body. This can result in better function when it comes to breastfeeding, breathing, sleep, speech, and jaw development. All the tissues of the body are connected and controlled by the nervous system which is why we take this holistic approach to help your baby. Oftentimes the first option parents are presented with when it comes to oral ties is a surgery. We work closely with pediatric dentists, IBCLCs, and craniosacral therapists for collaborative care to determine what approach is right for your baby.

If you have any questions about nervous system centered chiropractic care for your family, please reach out or make an appointment below.


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