Optimizing Your Breastfeeding Journey with Chiropractic Care

Having the right providers on your team can make all the difference. We have identified an amazing network of providers in the area and done all the research, so you don’t have to! You can be assured that all the providers we recommend or collaborate with are experts at what they do and are the best in the area. We will ensure that the families we support are well cared for throughout every step of their journey. 

Our team takes a holistic, nervous system approach which covers the whole body! The nervous system is in control of everything- making a healthy nervous system the foundation for growth, development, healing, and adapting. When the nervous system is under stress, various symptoms can arise impacting latch, digestion, oral function, head rotation, sleep, and overall comfort. 

Babies who have trouble breastfeeding often have a stressed nervous system. Certain interventions during pregnancy and birth can impact their nervous system and cause them to get stuck in stress and tension. This is unique to each mother-baby dyad and discussed on your first visit. Chiropractic care for newborns is very gentle and will help your baby get in a calm, rest & digest state. We understand how the nervous system plays a role in breastfeeding, oral function, growth, and development. We commonly help with: 

oral function & latch 


colic & reflux 

head rotation 


overall comfort 

Our Approach 

When choosing a chiropractor for your infant it is important to look for doctors who have specific training and restorative care plans. By understanding how the nervous system plays a role in breastfeeding, oral function, growth, and development we can get to the root cause and provide lasting results. 

INSiGHT Scans 

By measuring the temperature along the spine and neck we can locate dysfunction in the nervous system and determine the severity. This helps us understand why certain symptoms may be present. This scan only takes a couple minutes and is completely non-invasive and safe for newborns. 

The best part about these scans is the objective data showing how their body is handling stress and when they can take on more. We can see when they would be ready for an oral revision procedure; leading to an easier recovery and better outcomes! To schedule a call click below.


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